What Would John Wayne Do?
We tried to live by this motto the entire time we were in Texas.
This began with us completing a workout circuit while driving across West Texas that got us more than a few cat calls, odd glances, and even a few “what the f are ya’ll doing’s”. We have provided photos so that this circuit can be replicated by anyone driving across West Texas or somewhere similar, such as Southern New Mexico or say, Kentucky. There are virtually five stations: pushups, lunges, jumping jacks, dips, and jumping on old tractors (stay tuned for photos demonstrating these moves).
We had a total blast in Austin with Krista’s aunt, uncle, and cousin, Neil (who hosted us at his sweet new apartment that he literally just moved into), as well as the night we spent in Houston with her other aunt, uncle, and cousin! Our awesome activities in Texas included that we:
-drank a Shiner Bock at the oldest dance hall in Texas, called Gruenhall (pronounced “Greenhall”, in case you hear it in a country song)
-got my nose pierced on 6th Street by a the nicest, most tattooed, heavily pierced, man I have ever met
-toobed (yup, that’s how they spell it here) down the Comal River with Krista’s fam, some friends...and the rest of Texas. it felt like a very crowded bar on rapids. so fun.
-ate fast food at Sonic; our dinner choices included tater tots, a frito chilli cheese wrap, a root beer float, several cheery limeades, mozzarella sticks, and chicken on Texas toast – Pat, Krista’s uncle, finished our order by asking for a roll of tums, which the waitress didn’t find entirely funny, strangely enough. But we sure did.
-walked around the streets in a bikini and keens (like the rest of Austin, sort of)
-went dancing to cumbia at Flamenco Cantina, on 6th street, which was incredible
-ran around (sort of) Town Lake in 99% humidity and 100 degree weather
-swam in Barton Springs, a dammed up creek that looks like a swimming pool except that there’s a kelp forest growing in the bottom
-had texas BBQ at Rudy’s (yummmmmmmm)
-learned that:
1. the largest highway in the US is currently being built in Houston and will have 28 lanes
2. armadillos are the unofficial state animal of Texas
3. texas does not call 911 (see photo)
Next up: NOLA! then Atlanta, Mississippi, and back to Pittsburgh!Song of the moment: The Nosebleed Section by the Hilltop Hoods (thanks, Elizabeth!)
"courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway"
-John Wayne
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